At HTP by Textilhogar. Grupo Visatex will show the New collections in its 3 product lines: Infinity Home, Pure life and Visatex.

Designs and colours that will captivate you for your projects next season, as well as a preview of the Spring-Summer ’24 collection.
InfinityHome: Within the Infinity Home Collection we want to highlight the new qualities of Cotton and Linen, Gabon and Papua which have shown the best performance to use in upholstery. A wide variety of elegant and sophisticated prints and plains.
Pure life: Under our brand of sustainable fabrics, we will introduce a new fabric quality for plain and printed sheers. With a 100% natural look and made with linen and low impact fibres: polyester made from recycled plastic bottles.
Visatex: Meet the Niska Collection, a myriad of geometric prints that will transport you to other times, Mediterranean prints and motifs that inspire Nature.